Kennet Valley Guild
Weavers, Spinners
and Dyers
These links may be useful references relating to the crafts and disciplines represented in the Kennet Valley Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers.
Handweavers Guild of America (
The parent organisation for all weaving Guilds in America. Issues a journal every two months ‘Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot’. Deals with much more than weaving and runs an International Conference, ‘Convergence’ every two years.
Handweavers’ Studio, London (
Suppliers of yarn, fibre, wheels, looms and other equipment. Runs courses in weaving.
Frank Herring and Sons (
Suppliers of a wide range of craft equipment and supplies.
Weaving Yarn (previously myfineweavingyarn)
Braid Society (
An International Society for the promotion of braiding of all types.
Regional meetings in the UK and elsewhere.
Wingham Wools (
Suppliers of all kinds of fibre for spinning, spinning wheels and spinning accessories. Also books, dyes and yarns.
The Threshing Barn (
Suppliers of all kinds of fibre for spinning, spinning wheels and spinning accessories. Also dyes.
George Weil (
Suppliers of a wide range of craft equipment and supplies.
Susan Dye
Take a look around Susan's web site, it really is a mine of information!
Felix Ford
Guild members were treated to a wonderful, informative and creatively inspiring talk by Felix Ford from KNITSONIK. Find out more by clicking this link.
Nettles For Textiles
If you enjoyed hearing Allan's talk or couldn't join in on the day; have a look at his web site for a comprehensive overview of the subject. There are videos, and all manner of inspirational information to give you the bug for nettle fibre spinning.
Thank you Allan - we all enjoyed your talk immensely.
Janet Phillips - Weaver
Guild member, Pat Foster has her own web site which we thoroughly recommend you take some time to enjoy. Pat recently published The Draft Book by Jeremiah Fielding 1775 (edited by Pat, and Guild Members, Janet Dunbar and Lynne Harper). Many of our Guild members wove the samples that feature throughout the book. If you're interested in history and weaving it's a must for your book shelf. Pat invites anyone who chooses to weave any of the drafts to send her photos of the process and finished piece.The book is proving to be enormously popular here in the UK and in the USA.You can order a copy on Pat's web site.
These have all been visited and recommended by a number of our members.
Whitchurch Silk Mill and Industrial Heritage Museum
28 Winchester Street, Whitchurch RG28 7AL
Farfield Mill
Garsdale Road, Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5LW