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Kennet Valley Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Awards

Trophy Winners

Congratulations to all of our trophy winners.



The June Young Trophy was awarded to Jennifer (left) and Lynne (right) for their outstanding work in making the Kennet Valley Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers Exhibition at the West Berkshire Museum in 2021 a huge success.


Their hard work and dedication is very much appreciated by all of the Guild Members. Congratulations to both of you from all of us!


The Weaver’s Trophy, the Spinner’s Trophy, and the Dyer’s Trophy

The Guild Committee decide on the competition criteria for these each year and this year Details of the criteria are provided in advance so that all of you have plenty of time to prepare your entries. Anyone belonging to the Guild can enter.

Beginner Weaver’s Trophy and a Beginner Spinner’s Trophy

The beginner Weavers’ Trophy is timed so that new weavers can enter items made during the beginners weaving course, but open to any beginner, not just those who attended the course.


The Chairman's Trophy
The Chairman’s Trophy Is awarded the in the year of our exhibition (every two years).
It goes to the person whose exhibition item gets the most votes from exhibition visitors.


The Christmas Trophy  

The Christmas Trophy is presented at the Christmas meeting to the person whose entry in the
fashion parade gets the most votes from Guild members.


The June Young Trophy

Presented in memory of Roy Young’s wife for services to the Guild. Each year the members will be invited to put forward names to the committee. The committee will then decide on the recipient. This trophy is normally presented at the AGM.


The ‘Diddy’ Trophy 

Presented in memory of Meg Crowther’s mother and the criteria for this trophy are fixed.
The trophy is for an item made with hand-spun fibre and which must contain cable or cable like patterns/ stitches. It can be knitted or crocheted. One other thing to note is that this item can be entered by a couple of people together; one can spin, the other can knit/crochet.


The Diddy trophy is presented in alternate years with the ‘Hawkridge’ Trophy.

The ‘Hawkridge’ Trophy 

This is presented in memory of Jill Meadow’s father-in-law. He wondered what could be produced using
a Jacob fleece. Over the years our members have certainly shown him with knitted, felted, woven and crocheted garments and accessories. 



The June Young Trophy

The Beginner Weavers’ Trophy



The Beginner Spinners’ Trophy

The Spinners’ Trophy


Odd Year Exhibition

The Chairman’s Trophy


The Diddy Trophy
This trophy is awarded on odd years and so will be awarded again in 2021


The Hawkridge Trophy
This trophy is awarded on even years and so will be awarded in 2020



The Dyers’ Trophy

The Weavers’ Trophy



The Christmas Trophy

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